Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A cat moment

Today, holding the cat, there was a settling into pure sensory enjoyment. The fur, soft against bare arms; nuzzling his head- the smell so sweet; feeling the tiny puffs of his breath against my face; responding to his purrs with a deep inner relaxation of being.

Aaaah, this must be the Post Tuesday Sit Glow that Doshu told me about. -Soshin


  1. Awww there's Mr Bingley! So cute! I am glad you found each other -- Reese

  2. It's true he is cute, but not very smart about edges (yet). When he first came to us in May, he didn't understand about laps, and would roll over and fall off. Then he fell off the small ledge under the bathroom mirror. Same scenario- rolled over to get a tummy rub and fell splat right into his litter box.

    Today though --ah what a cat! He fell off the very narrow ledge outside our 2nd story window.
    Apparently there was a scrabbling sound and then he was gone. Luckily for him (and us) he made an emergency landing into the Forsythia (made soft and droopy by drought followed at last by a little rain) and not onto the rock...


Please be considerate and uphold the sila.