Friday, April 16, 2010

Mitra update

Well, I have talked to Mitra and few times and she is doing well. I like this photo of her. I think she looks radiant.

The blog on the retreat is here:

There are entries for each day.

The question now is if Mitra can get home. She leaves on Sun and arrives home on Mon, assuming everything is flying. The problem is that she is flying through northen Europe and the ash from the volcano in Iceland has caused most of the flights to be cancelled. Hopefully, things will be clear by the time Mitra leaves.


  1. I have a nephew twiddling his thumbs right now in some European airport. Coincidentally, he's on his way home after 6 months of volunteer work in the Congo.
    That volcano is quite annoying, eh? But if there was ever anything that no one can do anything about, that thing has gotta be it. Could Mitra fly around the world in the other direction?

  2. Thanks Sei-in for posting this. We have been thinking of Mitra a lot over the last week. Reading Fleet's blog I wonder how it will be to come back and transition to day to day life here given everything she has seen and witnessed. Hope the sangha and practice can be a useful support to her in this process.


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