Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Way of Illness

I have decided to take a different tack with this viral infection.
Instead of fighting it, I now make peace with it.
Embrace it, with love and understanding, as if it were a dear friend.

After all it is here to teach me to slow down, remind me that I am not immortal and show me what a blessing good health is. It too has a life that it must live, the natural course of things is that it will arise and then it will dissolve. Instead of offering anger and fear, I will make offerings of Kama c.a.z.e., Happy Planet Cold & Flu Remedy shot, hot ginger tea, hot epsom salt baths, deep, healing breaths, gentle yin yoga, more zazen, peppermint and lavender oils. I will sacrifice dairy products, negative thoughts and long waking hours for more rest, sleep and gentleness to my-self.

As the life of this virus draws to a close, I will thank it for visiting me and teaching me more about true me.

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