Thursday, March 25, 2010

Balance ~ The Middle Way

A Yogi practicing her asanas one day realized that the plantar wart on her left foot seemed to have grown and was, she believed, throwing her balance off. So she decided to use a remedy to remove the annoying plantar bump.

This same Yogi also had a regular meditation practice. Often her emotions would arise to the surface and she would struggle with overwhelming feelings of anger and grief. Tears of anger would fill her eyes and drip down her cheeks filling her hands cupped in mudra. She thought if only I could get rid of this anger, I would stop crying. So with great determination she practiced being firm, unmoving and non-preferential to all her feelings.

After some time, the plantar bump was disolved away and in its place was a hole. To her utter disbelief, she found that the hole in her foot also put her off balance. When she discovered this she cried out with anger and grief.

"How can I find and keep my balance?"

The moral of the story is balance like all in the middle way is not fixed, firm and lasting.
Sometimes there is a deep precipice on one side, and a steep cliff on the other, yet the middle way is finding a place
where comfort meets discomfort over and over again.

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