Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dana and Peer Support

It was the day after our peer support meeting and I was still awash in that wonderful feeling of friendship and support that follows those meetings. It dawned on me, as I was out walking our dog, how interconnected peer support and dana was for me.

I had been reluctant to join the dana group when it initally started up. Having been caught up in the pre-retirement mode of thinking for the past decade, I was consumed with saving my pennies for my old age, hyper vigilant that I would have `enough'. Once I joined, it became easy to give, especially since I was surrounded by individuals whose values of generosity and support for practice were what I aspired to.

Back to the interconnectedness between peer support and dana - I realized that preparation for reitrement should not be just a monetary pursuit but should also include developing supportive and enriching relationships to ensure that we are cared for and have meaning in our lives as we age. what would old age be with money but no friends? What if there was no one to take us to appointments or join us for coffee? Or bring us meals when we're sick?

Insurance for a meaningful life is what belonging to the peer support and dana group signifies for me.


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