Thursday, October 1, 2009

Random notes from last night's meeting

Dana, the practice of generosity.

Practising generosity helps balance our acquisitiveness. We are surrounded by a universe in balance that is all about giving and receiving. Think of a river: every moment receiving water, every moment giving it up.

Generosity is also a great teacher helping us understand our humanity - giving till you drop simply burdens your friends and family as they pick up the pieces. Or does it? it also gives them an opportunity to give and to grow.

Generosity isn't just about giving alms to the poor, handouts to street people, love to one's family and friends, a living wage to one's abbot. It may also be about pouring oneself completely and unreservedly into each moment.

Thank you Ven. Eshu. Thank you Dana group. Great food, heart felt sharing, enough money to support Ven. Eshu donated, a community creating a safe environment to explore and grow.


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