Friday, June 25, 2010

Retreat in Auschwitz

Hey there folks - I have written a blog post about my experiences on the Auschwitz retreat. It is a little long, so I didn't want to post it here. If you are interested, you can see it at:



  1. Thanks Sei-in. That was a very powerful read, made even more impactful by your use of personal emails to Mitra and the family. No doubt it is an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. I look forward to seeing you and the family on Mayne Island in a couple of weeks. All the best, Seishu

  2. Thanks for posting Sei-in. We are all glad to have you back. Thanks for sharing your personal letters and feelings about your time at Auschwitz.

  3. Thanks for the comments Eshu and Seishu. I look forward to camping with both of you soon!

  4. Thanks Sei-in. The blog was hard to read but am very glad you wrote it and grateful that you did this retreat for all of us and for all sentient beings. I grew up with Holocaust survivors and also with a family impacted by the suicide of Holocaust survivors. What was most difficult to read about your blog was being reminded how often we (consciously or unconsciously) use whatever privilege we have to insulate ourselves from suffering thereby perpetuating it. As a Jew and a Canadian I'm really glad you made the connection to Canada and Israel, as speaking up honestly about our complicity in the suffering inflicted by both those countries, not just historically but in present day, is something very difficult and very necessary. How to do this in a good way that doesn't make things worse is something I wrestle with a lot and am thankful to have the chance to ask those questions with you and Mitra and the rest of our sangha. Hope to sit with you soon.

  5. Thanks Josh. I appreciate your perspective. I thought about you often on the retreat and I am glad that I could go there with you in my heart.


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