Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nori and Shari Ulrich with the Getting Higher Choir

Just got back from a wonderful day. A sit in Sooke with a talk by Ven. Eshu which for me thankfully clarified the use of the words right and wrong, good and bad. Another way to think of them is skillful means and unskillful means. This is so liberating in that it takes away the judgement and directs us to look at the results of actions. Actually not the topic of the talk but a lovely revelation for me.

Then a car pool ride into town (always a highlight since we get to catch up with each other on the trip to and from Sooke).

We were dropped off at my mom's where we walked together down to the Alix Goolden hall. There we heard Nori sing and about 300 other people and also some professional musicians. The concert was all about heart. Denis and Shivon and the Choir skillfully opened our hearts, moved many to tears, then put us back together with a gentle prayer song and sent us on our way. The feelings evoked by the songs were powerful and painful but what an honour to share them in community. Feeling together the highs and the lows of life brings such richness to our lives.

The concert raised thousands of dollars for the Power of Hope.

Thank you mom for taking us. Thank you Nori for singing! and thank you to Venerable Eshu for continuing to point the way.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dana meeting tonight

I'm looking forward to the dana meeting tonight. It seems full of possibility.

I see this evening as an opportunity to practise joyful giving, to let go of my habit of coming from fear, from what if this or what if that? All I have (if have is the right word) is this moment, the future is unknown. I'm happy to be part of a practise that supports sinking into this moment trustingly, and also fearlessly taking responsibility for the future outcomes of my actions stemming from this moment.

We will meet to share a meal, to give and to receive a meal together in community. We'll each come from wherever we are (you know the variety of life- busy, anxious, happy, grudging, stuck, angry, virtuous, bubbly, vacant, whatever) and have a huge opportunity to be in our hearts, acknowledge the importance of the zen centre and our practice in our lives, and stretch a lot as a community to give back to the centre.

It's happened in the past and it could happen again tonight...


Monday, January 11, 2010

V.Eshu's moving company

Hi Everyone,
The one day intensive yesterday... had power dark and deep indeed.

Today I feel refreshed and lighter.

Some people use the metaphor of the person as a house and the personality as the arrangement of the furniture on the inside. I feel like a moving truck has taken some of the excess furniture away. And there's more yet to go.

Going, going, always going.
Thank you Sangha, thank you Venerable Eshu

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The poem Robert Frost never wrote

Sesshin on a Snowy Evening

Whose house this is I do not know.
He might think that we're crazy though;
To sit for days atop his rug
Staring at the floor plug.

My workmates think it's awfully queer
To take my work holiday time here
Getting up at 4 AM
And sitting still for hours on end.

"But wait!" I futilely explain,
"There's cake at end of day, and also
The beauty of the sound of rain. And have I mentioned
What strength comes from letting go into pain?"

They give their heads a shake
And think that I'm a hippie flake.
Admittedly on dark mornings
I think they're right, this is a mistake.

But sesshin has power, dark and deep
And there are vows we want to keep,
When we are dead there's time to sleep.
When we are dead there's time to sleep.